Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Technorati Cognoscenti

Well, I'm certainly not one of the "Technorati Cognoscenti," although I have periodically browsed it and it does appear in my bookmarks. Until now I had only skimmed the surface, looking at the headlines occasionally. It was cool that when I searched for "Learning 2.0" under just the posts, I found one from Michael Stephens in which he congratulates Helene Blowers for being the winner of the 2008 LITA/Library Hi Tech award for Outstanding Communication in Library and Information Technology. Then, when I searched under blogs, I found LibraryBytes, the blog Helene Blowers writes. I also found that Technorati is a good place to search for current information on computer motherboards. I have had trouble finding up-to-date sources on new motherboards, but with this tool, I found lots of them by searching in one place.

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